All in Esoterica

Foraging and Cooking with Chicken of the Woods Mushrooms

Sulfur shelf mushrooms (aka chicken of the woods) thrive in my woods and in forested areas across much of the United States and beyond. And they are delicious! With its savory profile, chicken of the woods can easily stand in for chicken in a variety of recipes, adding depth and heartiness to any dish. It goes without saying that chickens everywhere support this substitution!

Are Chickens the Closest Living Relative of T. Rex? No! And Here’s Why They Are Not – Part 1

A few years ago, I wrote an article about the dino/chicken connection. It has proven to be one the most popular posts on my blog. But ever since I took the time to research and write that article, I’ve been sensitized to the continuing drumbeat repetition of the half-truth of that “The chicken is the closest living relative to T. rex.” The time has come, I’ve decided, for me to do what I can to set the record straight. And while I’m at it I’ll delve into how this crazy half-truth got started in the first place.

Chickens from Outer Space? The Strange Case of South American Chickens

Not only are South American chickens very strange birds, but they’ve been in South America way too long.  When the Spanish first arrived in South America they noted the fact that there were already chickens there!  People were keeping domestic chickens!  Chickens, like cows, pigs, and sheep, are supposedly Old-World animals.  So what were they doing in South America before the Old-World explorers/conquerors got there?  How did they get there? Flying saucers, anybody? 

Salmonella in Chickens – Why CDC Wants You to Stop Kissing Your Hens – And Why the CDC Suggestions Are Not Working

There’s an ongoing serious Salmonella outbreak occurring among folks who keep backyard chickens, and CDC’s best response is to continue to trot out essentially the same old list of impractical rules.  Why is nobody working on eliminating Salmonella from chickens in general and backyard flocks in particular? In this post I suggest a strategy.

When Your Hen Dies

After our pet chicken dies, then what? We are often loath to talk about it, because too many people just don’t get it. While nearly everybody understands the importance of our cats and dogs in our lives, to most folks, chickens are “just chickens.”