Can I Catch Bird Flu From My Chickens? Will it Cause the Next Pandemic? (Flu - The Coop, part 3)

Bird flu has been marching across the US, destroying flocks in its wake. Since avian flu first appeared in the news this year, people have been wondering about how this disease relates to them. They have been asking: “Can I catch flu from my flu-infected chickens?” While this 2022 bird flu strain is less likely to infect people than strains seen in the past, the answer is definitely “Yes!” But, perhaps the more profound and important question people should be asking is, “Will bird flu cause the next human pandemic?”

Can I Keep Eggs at Room Temperature?  And Other Pertinent Questions

“Is it ok to store eggs at room temperature?” It’s a question that doesn’t come with a yes/no answer.
Nowadays in the US there are regulations that mandate that anybody selling eggs must refrigerate them. Why? Because of Salmonella, a bacterium that sickens and kills a lot of folks every year, and sometimes lives in eggs. Here’s the catch, though. The United Kingdom and much of Europe have regulations that mandate that anybody selling eggs should not refrigerate them. And the Salmonella rates in the UK are actually lower than in the US. Confused yet? Read this post!


If you gauge success by sheer numbers, chickens are unmatched. They were nonexistent 8000 years ago, at the dawn of agriculture. Then they were domesticated from wild jungle fowl and today there are something like 26 billion of them. They’re more abundant than any other bird and there are four chickens for every human. If you were a jungle fowl living 8000 years ago, do you think you would choose the path to “success,” or would you decide to stay in the jungle?

Celebrating 5 Years

The Hipster Hens and I just gathered around to blow the candles out on another birthday cake! Randy’s Chicken Blog just celebrated its 5th birthday! Getting from the 4th birthday to the 5th required traversing the pandemic. What a crazy year!